This was an open free network meeting for Women in Business hosted by NatWest’s Business Growth Enabler Stewart Smith & supported by Harrow London Borough Council to celebrate International Women’s day 2019. #IWD2019

In 2018, more than ever, there was a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. The global call to #PressforProgress motivated and united friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive. #PressforProgress, an an international Women’s day theme, extended well beyond one day to support and unify year-long activity aimed at forging women’s equality.

In 2019 Better the balance, better the world. We  celebrated women’s achievements on Friday 8th March while calling for gender balance.

The future is exciting. Lets build a gender-balanced world. Balance drives a better working world. Lets all help create a #BalanceforBetter

One of the key purposes of the event was for female entrepreneurs to meet with like minded business people from the local community and make some new connections.

Naima Omasta-Milsom attended the event on behalf of the London Business Partnership Ltd as part of our commitment to supporting such local initiatives.